A key document for setting the scene in Green Care innovation and entrepreneurship, and for providing recommendations on the use of green spaces for health, wellbeing and social inclusion!
Human societies, economies and cultures are embedded in nature and depend on nature for their sustenance and well-being. Negative changes in environmental conditions (e.g., loss of biodiversity, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, drought) deeply affect human health and well-being and accentuate social inequalities. Given these patterns of interdependence, working with nature and ecosystems to tackle environmental challenges is becoming of paramount importance. Moreover, there is a growing recognition that interactions with natural environments have positive benefits on stress-related, chronic and psychological diseases connected to urbanisation, modern lifestyle and working conditions. According to the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, “we need nature in our lives” to improve our psycho-physical health and that of the Planet. Natural spaces are increasingly recognised as an opportunity for preventive health. Experiencing and connecting with natural environments help reduce psycho-physical stress, boost our immune system, increase positivity and vitality, stimulate social cohesion and physical activity. Assisted interventions can increase self-esteem, reflection, improve social and emotional skills also for people with disease and disabilities. These benefits are further recognised within the context of the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Green Care initiatives provide these benefits to people while also providing opportunities for new businesses and green jobs, sustainable management of natural resources and enhanced cross-sectorial cooperation and innovation. These and other additional social, economic and environmental impacts brought by Green Care initiatives make them important change agents for the green economy.
The EU Blueprint on Green Care, published by Green4C project, brings together for the first time four different emerging sectors – Forest-based Care, Social Agriculture, Urban Green Care and Green Care Tourism – and reports on the opportunities and challenges for supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in these thematic sectors. Using 20 case studies across Europe and Americas, the document looks at triggers, points of strength and weaknesses of Green Care innovation and business development and capitalises on the extensive research experience of the project partners. The analysis reveals that Green Care initiatives are challenged by uncertainties in funding policies and regulation, low public awareness and recognition of the role of such initiatives, lack of standards and integration into health care policies and practices. Nevertheless, they found their strengths in collaborative and multi sectorial attitude, strong networks and partnerships, the ability to provide inclusive and adaptive services and the increasing interest and demand for sustainable, inclusive and green solutions to health and wellbeing. The Blueprint is an important knowledge tool containing recommendations addressed to the different stakeholders that need to take action to advance the role of Green Care initiatives for health, well-being and social inclusion. It builds on the Stakeholder and Training Needs Assessment and the in-depth analysis of innovation and entrepreneurship across 20 Green Care Initiatives in the four Green4C thematic sectors (Background report EU Blueprint on Green Care).

EU Blueprint on Green Care
BLUEPRINT publication details:
EU Blueprint on Green Care: Nature for Health, Well-being and Social Inclusion.
Erasmus+ Green4C project, Deliverable 3.3: EU Blueprint on Green Care.
Mammadova, A., O’Driscoll C., Burlando C., Doimo, I., Pettenella, D. (2021).
Monika Humer, Dominik Mühlberger and Barbara Öllerer (BFW), Deirdre O’Connor (UCD), Marjolein Elings (WUR), Siebe Briers, Rik De Vreese and Christiane Düring (EFI), Tahia Devisscher and Matilda van den Bosch (UBC), Elena Petronela Candrea and Sergiu-Constantin Florea (Forest Design), Carmen Buzea (UNITBV), Georgia Bertagna Libera and Laura Secco (UNIPD), Stephanie Kirwan (Meath Partnership), Eline Borsboom (Elevate Health), Francesca Cirulli and Marta Borgi (ISS).

Background report
EU Blueprint on Green Care
BACKGROUND report details:
Background report EU Blueprint on Green Care. Nature for Health, Well-being and Social Inclusion: analysis factors influencing innovation in Green Care.
Erasmus+ Green4C project, Deliverable 3.3: EU Blueprint on Green Care.
Mammadova, A., O’Driscoll C., Burlando C., Doimo, I., Pettenella, D. (2021).
Monika Humer, Dominik Mühlberger and Barbara Öllerer (BFW), Deirdre O’Connor (UCD), Marjolein Elings (WUR), Siebe Briers, Rik De Vreese and Christiane Düring (EFI), Tahia Devisscher and Matilda van den Bosch (UBC), Elena Petronela Candrea and Sergiu-Constantin Florea (Forest Design), Carmen Buzea (UNITBV), Georgia Bertagna Libera and Laura Secco (UNIPD), Stephanie Kirwan (Meath Partnership), Eline Borsboom (Elevate Health), Francesca Cirulli and Marta Borgi (ISS).