Go Romania

is part of the Green4C Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Green Care activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Razvan
  • Surname: Mihailescu
  • Role: President
  • Organisation Name: Go Romania
  • Legal Status: NGO
  • Main Sector: Voluntary
  • Specific Sector: Education
  • Address: Str. Imparatul Traian nr 1
  • City: Craiova
  • Country: Romania
  • Website: https://goromania.info
  • Social: https://fb.me/goromania.info
  • Apply As: Green4C Provider
  • Expert In: Forest-based Care, Urban Green Care, Social Agriculture, Green Care Tourism, Green Care
  • Description: We are involved in two major projects with local and international impact. One of them is the participatory urbanism and the European Mobility Week and the other Coalitia Jiu Curat (Clean Jiu River Partnershi). In the first we building bridges between the authorities of Craiova, Romania and the citizens to get more involved in urban planning and development. In the second we are building a partnership with other organisations and find solutions to river plastic pollution. This project would be a valuable networking tool for us in order to increase our capacity and our outreach.
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Green4C can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email info@greenforcare.eu and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to info@greenforcare.eu.

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